Eddie's personal wiki .


My personal wiki

2015 - moved to Binarylane

Note that the index is in the left hand sidebar.

Most of my public work is on Nerdipedia and my older stuff is on eddiem.com
I also maintain nimbinrockscoop.com and several private wikis.

Nerdipedia is the do-it arm of eddiem.com.
Along with other editor(s) I write up projects I'm doing or plan to do.

This wiki is more personal and will include some ramblings about the state of things, pictures, trips and other stuff which doesn't fit the theme of my other wikis.
Largely it is an extension of eddiem.com in wiki format.
I will not be moving the content of eddiem.com here.
Apart from old images - only new stuff will appear here.

Created by admin. Last Modification: Wednesday 10 of August, 2016 22:49:42 GMT-0000 by admin.

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admin, 23:18 GMT-0000, Fri 10 of Sep, 2021: eddiem.com moved
admin, 05:57 GMT-0000, Mon 30 of Aug, 2021: eddiem.info moved to new IP eddiem.com moving.
eddie, 23:26 GMT-0000, Wed 10 of Aug, 2016: more trouble with hackers. Upgraded to 15.2 and the formatting sucks.
admin, 05:06 GMT-0000, Fri 23 of May, 2014: Note. Right and/or right columns can be hidden if they interfere with pages.
eddie, 02:31 GMT-0000, Sun 05 of Jan, 2014: tikiwiki upgraded to version 12